Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This just in...

"This just in..." used to be a phrase the news media would use - and perhaps still use when a breaking news development hits home and is reported.  Now there can't be anything more spontaneous and happening NOW then this just in right?  Well actually - there is.  Do you know what today is?  According to my 4th grader - today is when he gets the OPPORTUNITY to pick up his new X-Box game, Call of Duty Black Ops.  He paid for it weeks and weeks ago.  So THIS JUST IN was just bested by millions of customers willing to pre-pay for the game BEFORE it's actually available and just in.  Hmmmm.  Marketing genius.  Customers willing to pay for a product weeks before they can use it.  Genius.  Gotta run, I've been instructed to pick up his prepaid game and believe it just came in!

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