Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Marketing Enrollment

There is one principle or practice that I believe is critically important for a creative marketing professional and team to consider PRIOR TO laying-out the nuts and bolts of their content; their WHO WHAT & HOW of any communication campaign, and that principle is ENROLLMENT.  Enrollment is the practice or thought process (art) of generating a spark of possibility for others to share.  The idea that your audience will ALWAYS be open and eager to enroll - eager to catch the spark!  How are you going to generate a spark for your audience to fire?  No tricks, no guilt-tripping or forcing – simply the belief that our universe is alive with passion, possibility and excitement.  Now, how do we tap into that emotion & activity?!  By having NO DOUBT that others are eager to do the same and catch the spark you create - for them to fire up the world! OK - now it's time to get busy working content.

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