Friday, August 31, 2012

The WE Journey

Storytelling is the most effective way of sharing; sharing insights, knowledge and wisdom.  One story at a time.  In Stephen King's novel, entitled "11/22/63" a mysterious time portal enables Jake Epping to step back in history and alter the framework of life. Not only his life, but more poetically, the course of history.  In this story, the focal point is the JFK assassination.  But what if YOU had the chance to change an event in the past?  To go back-in-time and alter the course of human history - or even simply change a decision you made and address a moment of passion that didn't work out so well for you.  Would you jump at the chance?  Hell yes, who wouldn't relish the opportunity to erase a bitter mistake right? Here's the catch.  The axiom that Stephen King has so eloquently woven into the fabric of his latest tale, and a theme worth considering in each of our lives, is that IF you challenge or even begin to mess with the framework of YOUR life, you CHANGE EVERYTHING.   Even outcomes that have nothing to do with you.  Yes it is true WE live as unique, indpendent thinkers and pursue our path as individuals, but we are also part of a very poetic WE framework.  A framework woven throughout time and brought to life with each of our independent movements and spirit.  More often than not, history is an outcome or record of conflict between US and THEM; nation to nation, among political parties, between labor and management - and even in our most intimate lives as family members.  It make sense than that even the slightest movement of a minor thread will alter the flowing fabric of history and life.  Perhaps there IS a certain melody that runs throughout the people of earth - no matter time and place.  Stephen King's book cover has a newspaper photo of the events in Dallas that day in November 1963, but you learn early-on in the story that this tale involves a deeper reality and consequence than just that one event in history.  You begin to understand that human behaviors and emotions touch everything & everyone in this beautiful framework of life.  Perhaps Mr. King is not asking us what happens if we look back, perhaps he is challenging us to take all our intellect, emotion and conviction, and ALWAYS move forward.  Pursue the WE journey as one and embrace what is in your heart with passion and intelligence and never look back.

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