Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Is there any more powerful force in the Universe than CONVICTION? Very powerful indeed, and at times critical for sure, but here's a dangerous component of having too isolated & too powerful of conviction: The inability to compromise. The inabilty to listen. No willingness to share perspective or responsibility. Shared perspective takes quite a bit of work and grace and reason and intelligence. If a person in a position of authority has NO poetic spirit to share perspective with colleagues, then hell yes, Houston, we have a problem. Ya see, when a leader slings conviction around, knocking-down lesser or younger folks and spirited, respectful colleagues - what's left? Not necessarily the right answer - but THE ONLY answer. ONE answer. Ultimately, yes, decisions have to be made and invested in and supported, but the trickle-down effect of someone stamping out other's opinions can lead to devestating results: Low morale, weaker answers and yes, a cycle of repeat offenses. A better option? Compromise. Dialogue. Partnership. The gentle art of BUILDING COMMUNITY. Constant tweaking and decision making, but always moving forward. NOT complete reversals, simple tweaking and investing and monitoring and sharing. With conviction? Absolutely. We are all trained and educated to provide the RIGHT ANSWER. There is ALWAYS one answer; in math, in spelling, in social studies tests. But in life, in time, parenting, coaching, culture & business, the fact is there will always be more than one right answer. Choose wisely and work vigorously, however I encourage all of you to SHARE your conviction with others - but please don't simply impose it.

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