Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Connection Economy

Welcome to the connection economy.  You know when you feel it?  Being disconnected?  After you've been insulated by a large employer for 17 years?  How so?  Well, when you work for a closed-caption audience or select group of clients or colleagues, connecting ONLY to a select group of clients (& to colleagues in the parking garage) you may not care what's going-on in "the real world".  Yep.  No doubt.  Guilty as charged. Here's the good news.  There are folks out, a whole host of them, in-need of your service.  Not even really in-need of your service, more so in-need of your energy and enthusiasm and love of the story and work.  Energy & enthusiasm is absolutely the baseline you must bring to the connection economy.  Wanting someone to pong to your ping certainly won't happen without energy & enthusiasm.  The connection economy can be a great game of Ping-Pong, especially if you're willing to invest in an oversized racquet!  

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