Monday, February 11, 2013

Red Bull Gives You Wings

I think it's human nature to want to explore.  To find your line, and go beyond it.  Have you seen & enjoyed the amazing Red Bull commercial?  Please take a moment and click the link below to watch and listen to this beautiful :60 second story.

In today's world, in which we are all bombarded with images, sights, sounds, messages and media, it's easy to glance over these images - but please just this once don't.  Stop and ponder what these young athletes are doing.  Extreme gamers?  Explorers?  Forget the human poetry and landscapes presented in this commercial and sport and imagine if YOU had to step to that edge - yes just once.  These athletes are poets that challenge physical limits.  We typically think of Michael Jordan, Ray Lewis or Tiger when we think of today's modern athlete.  But God and natural ability has a lot to do with that type of athletic performance and paycheck.   However, the only real measureable component with the extreme daredevil athlete - is a courageous spirit.  As John Steinbeck once wrote, "Our species is the only creative species, and it has one instument, the individual mind and spirit of man.  The preciousness lies in the lonely mind and spirit of man".  I suspect the folks jumping off these cliffs may have a moment of loneliness - but it's probably not when he or she is flying down that cliff or waterfall.  It's right before they take the leap of faith. I hope we ALL not only have the opportunity to leap - but like these brave young men and women captured in this story - we take it.  To BB, Emmy & Joe Riley, please always remember the only limit - is the one you set yourself.

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