Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fountainhead Marketing Framework

Author Ayn Rand has had a profound impact on my life. 
She is one of the 20th Century's greatest writers for certain - and her writing simply strikes a poetic chord with me.  When I started reading The Founainhead - I knew right away I had tapped into something very special.  The same was true for Atlas Shrugged, but no where near what I had felt like when reading through her Fountainhead story.  The trials and times of architect Howard Roark was like nothing I had ever experienced.  Now many years later, I still find myself revisiting her ideals almost every week - certainly a true Ayn Rand disciple I am.  Her theory, or axiom, on life is called "Objectivism." The cliff notes version of this principle would have you believe that we all come pre-wired and that we should do and pursue what is in our unique hearts and intellect.  Not for others, or personal gain, but simply because that is what is in our framework, heart and mind.  The (3) cardinal values of Objectivism are:  Reason, Purpose & Self-esteem.  We must have the ability to REASON and solve problems in order for humans to live.  PURPOSE: We are goal-promoting human beings with spiritual & foundational needs to accomplish things.  And finally, we require SELF-ESTEEM;  a sense of accomplishment and competence and excellence at living!  We can't fully enjoy life if we are constantly undercut by a sense of failure so we need to do things that conjure up self-esteem.  Sooo - what if, YOU the marketing director were to weave these pillars into your next set of marketing strategic plans?  Wouldn't that be FUN?!!   I think it gets to the very heart of any marketing or communication plan - because we are talking about THE WHO - your target audience - and these (3) pillars of reason, purpose & self-esteem - will help you define what is important to your targeted audience.  Get it?  Sure you do.  Now - take another look at your next marketing plan proposal - and make damn sure you weave a little Ayn Rand philosophy in there.  Remember, we are ALL FOUNTAINHEADS - all people need to feed their very own fountainheads - or run the risk of running dry!

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