Sunday, September 23, 2012

Marketing Today or Tomorrow?

What are you selling?  Is your audience focused on the energy and excitement of TODAY or consequences of TOMORROW?  Depending on what you have to offer, you best find out where she lives.  Does she recycle because she truly cares about tomorrow, or is she self-absorbed in the events and emotions of the moment - and really really wants to be isolated from the consequences of her actions?  If you are a firm selling tomorrow, be very careful not to pitch people who are only interested in buying things that are about today.  It's virtually impossible to sell financial planning or safety or the long-term impacts of the environment to a consumer who is focused on immediate satisfaction and sense of accomplishment right now.  Are you selling home health care products with preventative benefits?  Best find those households and an audience of consumers that truly care about tomorrow.  They usually are the ones in the cul-de-sac with an enormous amount of recycling out front and a genuine focus on tomorrow - with little to no regard for the additional curbside fee today.

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