Monday, August 20, 2012

College - The sky is NOT the limit

My brother and I chatted about college costs and tuition last night.  He and his wife have twin daughters embarking on their senior year in high school and so the threat of college has swallowed-up their household like all homes across America.  Shame that we have allowed this to happen in this country - but as the saying goes - these are the best of times, these are the worst of times - pick one.  Is college a means to an end or simply the beginning?  As parents we see a means to an end.  ROI.  Right?  Perhaps, without discussing student loans and money, we can think of this journey as a fresh, new landscape.
I think this COULD be what college offers young minds and souls.  Possibility.  A place to figure out life.  Yes, it could turn out really bad.  But so could riding a bike to work.  Perhaps parents create an OPPORTUNITY for a young son or daughter to prove themselves – to find out about some special trait or professional untapped interest that is buried deep within them.  Parents (once again) acting as a kind generous sponsor in life.   College is an invitation, one final invite we can issue our invitation to play in “the meadows of life”. That is what college is for some, not really a means to an end, but an invitation to become an adult and the space & time to cross that bridge.
Sometimes these environments produce astonishing results - sometimes not -  but parents that open those gates - wow - that is one helluva gift.
Remember – the sky is NOT the limit, our own imagination is and perhaps college is an environment that could produce unexpected results and a gift that we can give to open the gates!

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