Monday, April 23, 2012

Uncle George

A great great man died today.  Thoughts and prayers to the Hettiberg family.  My word of thanks to a wonderful role model follows:
March 27, 2012
Dear Uncle George,
I’ve heard you are battling cancer and I am deeply saddened & devastated by the news.  What the hell is wrong with you?   People like you are supposed to live forever – don’t you know that?  Why are you supposed to live forever George?  Why ?  Cause jeez George – you’ve meant so very much to sooo many people.  Please put me at the top of the list.  Husband, Dad, Grandpa, Brother, Son, and UNCLE GEORGE.  I’ve never met anyone like you.  You’ve been such a great & true role-model for me George.  When Kathy died, I finally understood & realized what a spectacular woman and personality she was.  I hold her in such high regard and have placed her high on a stage – all by herself.  Well, there is one other person I would stick up there alongside her George.  Yep.  My Uncle George Hettiberg.   You’ve shared so much with the people around you, and with me, every day of your life.  It’s been such a blessing to interact with you all the days of my life – you and Aunt Cindy – really taught me HOW TO LIVE.  How to live George.  Is there any more important life lesson?  What a blessing and gift you have been to your family, and children – and extended family.  I love you George and will always carry myself in such a way that makes you proud.  When I interact with peers or love ones or colleagues – I know how to smile – how to make people laugh and enjoy myself with ANYONE – cause you showed me how to do that. You also showed me that it is important at times,  to be stearn as well, and most importantly – how to always represent myself as a man of conviction & character.  YOU showed me that George, time and time again.  Role models are hard to come by this day and age, and by God I ‘ve had two of the best in both you, Aunt Cindy and my parents. 
I’ll never forget those lazy hot, glorious days of summer spent growing up with you and our families out at Ross Rivercamps.  Those memories – speak to how wonderful life can be when spent with family and great friends.  You have always been a great friend to so many people and such a great role-model for me George.  You alone – are the reason I NEVER eat food cooked over charcoal George.  Yep – I’ve consumed enough lighter fluid and charred food as a youngster at Ross – eating what was left of the meat you and Dad and Terri COOKED until you ran out of beer....oh well, once again – it was the community of happiness that I will take away from those summers, (in addition to lighter fluid-induced acid reflux).
You and Aunt Cindy, Eric & Cheri, shared a great portion of your lives with me and I am eternally grateful.  Ill never forget the weekends we shared or the memory of you walking us to our car on a late Sunday night  - to say good bye after a great afternoon & evening at your home.  By the way, I do the very same today – always walking friends and family to their cars after they spend a great night of laughter with Molly and I.  Funny I never thought of that – but now I know where I learned that.  Add that one to a very long list of traits and lessons I’ve taken from you George.
I enjoy being around people like you George, that seem always intent on coming at people in ways and angles you both expect and cannot predict.  You did that George.  Unpredictable?  A little sure, love it – but in ways we all expect.  That’s my Uncle George.  A great man of virtue, character, laughter, love and family.  A man everyone truly loves to be around and smile with and share tme with.  IF everyone on the earth was blessed to have an Uncle George in their life – I’m convinced the world would indeed be a much better place.  Better, because mankind would be a kinder breed of man.  Thank you George for everything.  For spending time with me.  You’ve changed my life for the better and shown me the way.  I will always love and respect you.  And if you die before I do – please say “hello” to Kathy up there on that great stage for me -  where you both belong and will reside for all eternity.
Love Always,

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