Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Write Right

What is the right way to write? Perhaps to keep it simple, write to be read, don't just write to write. Whenever you write something - read it out loud. Does it sound the way it would if you were chatting with someone? If it's supposed to be funny, you should be laughing out loud. IF it's sad or emotional, you should be tearing-up. If you're writing about someone, you should want to meet this person. How can you make your writing more conversational? Make it less formal and please keep your personality IN. Try not to think about ALL the people that may read your writing - rather focus on the ONE person that will read it - and write for that person. Remember your reader will be thinking WIIFM - "what's in it for me?" - so be sure and give them something...give them YOUR personality. :)

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