Sunday, November 27, 2011

Workaholism and REWORK

Why does our culture celebrate the concept and idea of the workaholic?
We hear about someone burning the midnight oil or sleeping at the office, pulling "all-nighters" every weekend. Why? Not only is this unnecessary, it's selfish and stupid. In my first job, the GM would always walk out past the promotions office and ask why we were still working at 6pmish....and say ""Tom, if you can't figure out how to get it done in 8 hours and be home with your family - i'll find someone that can.""
I understand the occasional all nighter for clients - sure got it - but most workaholics do this ALL THE TIME for themselves. Working more doesn't mean you care more or get more done. It simply means you work more and then tend to create more problems then you solve.
Workaholics miss the point too. They fix problems by throwing hours at them, trying to overcome IQ with brute force, usually leading to inelegant and subpar solutions. Here is the worst component of all this. Workaholics live for crisis. Absolute crisis. They feed off it. They love them. This crisis mode means - yep - more work for everyone! Precisely. Unfortunately, crisis then leads to guilt and poor morale by the people that support and surround these folks; vendors, co-workers & family surrounding this workaholic. If all you do is work, you are unlikely to have & make sound judgment. You can't decide what is worth the extra effort and what is not, and you end up just plain tired. Workaholics may claim to be perfectionists, but they're really just wasting eveyone's time fixing absolutely inconsequential details - inconsequential details - instead of moving on to the next big program. They are not heroes. They don't save the day - they use it up! The real hero is home because she figured out a faster way to get things done professionally.

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