Monday, January 27, 2020

Change Agents

We’ve all heard the expression, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” 
I respectfully disagree.  Successful production & flawless execution of our MJ programs and communication IS change. Our work leads to change.  Marketing is change.  A new client is change.  Today a new customer, tomorrow an entire new division of work.  Net, we all can be the change, one program one client at a time. 

A new idea is also change.  The best ideas require significant change AND courage.  They fly in the face of the status quo, inertia, and the way “we’ve always done it.”  Unfortunately, comfort is a powerful force against change.  Are you comfortable in your current role?  Too comfortable?  I know that seems impossible given the pace of change, but perhaps it’s time for a professional or personal change?  Why?  Because WE need the new ideas and it can come from you.  All business requires new ideas, new personnel, and our services of tomorrow will demand significant change today.  How will you lead this change with clients and colleagues? 

IF you see a way to make things better, you now have the opportunity to create change.  You haven’t made an impact or performed marketing until you’ve changed someone or moved your service & customer to a new place.  Changed an idea or system.  Changed the way children embrace reading and learning.  Changed the way you deliver production or concepts or the demand for an MJ product or service. 

Finally, there is no roadmap for this change.  No simple step-by-step series of tactics.  Author Seth Godin writes, no roadmap indeed, but we do ALL have a personal & professional compass and the belief you are headed in the proper direction:  True North.  If you find yourself struggling with direction, consider applying this acronym:  The four E’s that lead to WE:  Effort, Enthusiasm, Energy & Execution.  Bring these four E’s to work each & every day, and WE are sure to enjoy the success YOU create as the next great MJ Agent of Change!

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