Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What a powerful word. What a powerful statement. And yet, how often in daily conversation, do we hear consumers use this term to describe their affection or affinity for a brand or product? How often do you use it to describe your feelings for some tangible product or service? I hear it all the time in research or everyday dialogue with friends and business associates and family. But LOVE, as you will discover as you grow in age and wisdom in our life's journey, is an expression that defies defintion. IT goes beyond the realm of tangible product & daily emotion. It stretches deep beyond the trials of the day, into the depth of time. Love. Love is not something you simply feel, but an emotion you uncover and discover. It takes a bit of time to reveal the true depth of LOVE. Doesn't it? Shouldn't it? Shouldn't something as powerful and insightful & passionaste as LOVE take years to evolve, unwind & settle-in? Ultimately, love will last an eternity - of course. Love is a chord that is unbreakable. You don't fall out of love, you fall out of the concept of weaving the chord of love. Love is not tangible. Not breakable. Perhaps it is a sustainable note that hovers & weaves it's way around our existence, with everlasting elasticity. You may be able to stretch the chord or note of love - the emotion of love - to some breaking point, but I suspect true LOVE will never break. Never cease. Once the chord of love is woven over your travels in time, it shall never break, never waver and certainly just simply disappear. It will exist forever, in some way shape or form. Cause thats what the emotion of LOVE is. When you journey long enough in this lifetime, and are asked to bury a dear friend's father or mother or your own mother or father, sister or friend, you experience the unyielding power of love. You truly feel the presence of love. Everlasting. Powerful. And certainly, unbreakable. Experience love and you've experienced the best this earthly realm has to offer. Celebrate it everyday and your bound for happiness. Trying to weave it into the language of the marketing framework of a brand is foolish pleasure - but so is playing trivial pursuit -so what the hell go for it. Just understand & distinguish the difference between the LOVE you spend a lifetime weaving & working - and the love you offer in daily conversation. There is an eternal lifetime separating the two.

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