Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Remember what Libraries used to look and smell like? Well they still do...

I had forgotten. Shame on me. Today I spent the morning at my favorite place in town to conduct research and write concepts - the downtown Cincinnati public library - and I was amazed at the new wings and tools they've added in just five to seven years. It's been at least that long since I finished up grad school. I used to hunker down in the downtown library... same corner desk - for three to four years of night school working though mid-terms & finals for an MBA. I received that degree in 1999, and I don't think I've been back to the library since! Until today. Wow. It is such a beautiful place...rich with "teen" sections and flat screen computers, wireless technology & DVD's and a wonderful cafe and yes BOOKS!!
Don't give up on libraries just because you can research anything and everything from the comforts of your laptop. Get to the library. It's fantastic - and one thing's for sure - you'll leave "richer" than when you first entered. Now how many places can offer you that?

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